Love recognizes no barriers.
It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.
These two shared 4 and half years of unseen love and distance never a matter for them…

When they selected me as their wedding photographer  I was delighted…
First we planned for the preshoot…
Charitha is one of the best models in the Sri Lanka and I know I would be able to
capture some great  pictures of the couple.Preshoot is a ideal opportunity  for a phothographer
to show that his skills in photography.Thats why I always love preshoots…
you can make your art floor and get the best photographer inside you….

Its been a simple and easy shoot…
Me with the camera lence and charitha with her unique modeling skills,amila with all the love he got for charitha showed us a way to a beautiful photography…
Emotions and features were excellent…
And the my new sony alpha 7R 2 did the rest…

Tried some new frames with the water too…
They too came well and hope I did the justice to the pictures…


bubbles in the wave blending with the beauty of the couple…


used my water housing with alpha 7R 2,half underwater and half out of water…


Wanted to capture the water reflection with the colours in background and sky…