Sea breeze and smiles made your wedding a sparkling memory…
So glad to be a part of it…

Best Wishes to the Bride Libby and Groom Dinuk!!! Lots of love and happiness to you as you begin your life together…

Im so happy to say that its one of the best weddings I did recently…
Dinuk and libby fall love in aussie and they choosed Sri lanka as their wedding destination.
They came here with family and friends for the wedding
to a small but stunning  resort in thalpe…23 palm villa…

They were enchanted  with my work and made studio u as their wedding photography and cinematography partner.Its was a gloomy day and ideal atmosphere for a remarkable day.
Libby was really eye catching with sri lankan traditional saree. Expressions were so high everywhere
and happiness is on its peak.



Its a ideal location for a destination wedding in down south.Gloomy sky and splendid colours every where…


Wanted to make this more traditional.Beautiful libby in saree and the pic of old nilame in the wall gave it a real traditional feel.


They may have never thought to see their daughter in such a outfit.Captured their impressions which are so heartfelt.


Weddings are so busy and dynamic… That what this pic says…


She may be a white lady with blue eyes.But with the Sinhala traditional saree and all,she looks like a real lankan bride…


I love rusty backgrounds…This is a good example of it…


Waited around 1 and half hours in back to take this.In the toast able to catch the kiss…


First dance of the couple.Music cant be captured in photos.But can give the feel…